About Us

Bhavatusabamangalam is glad that you have chosen us to explore the spouse of your choice and preference. Bhavatusabamangalam.com is a one stop destination for all your match finding needs focused on the Buddhist community across the Globe.

As the name “Bhavatusabmangalam” means “May all be Happy”. The greatest happiness on earth is marriage. There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.

We at Bhavatusabamangalam.com bring fresh perspective to what the new millennial generation is looking for while also balancing with certain perceptions desired by their elders. Our staff is very knowledgeable and will strive hard to provide high quality matches and an excellent matchmaking experience. With our professional staff, state of art tools using the latest data analytics software and artificial intelligence models we will make this experience very personal and customized to you without compromising your privacy and security. We believe in continuous improvements and value add and that is why our foundation is built to allow adding new algorithms and features as we progress and offer the best in class customer service.

Thanks again for taking the first step with us for the amazing road ahead. There are several billion people on the planet. Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. We hope Bhavatusabamangalam will assist in finding the perfect notes for the start of this musical album of your life.

We are very confident that availing our services might be one of the smartest investment you could make in your personal life.